Live Painting

Live painting at Abundance : Photo by Judd Weiss

Over the last decade something quite profound happened to me. From 2008 – 2010 I was healing from some very challenging obstacles in life. I was in Hollywood, CA lost on all dimensions. I was in search of deeper meaning and purpose in my life.  I had studied art and design in architecture school many years ago but I abandoned my passions over time running the rat race.

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I needed something to feed my soul, and as I searched for something outside of myself,  I had a realization of what was buried deep within myself the entire time. I rediscovered art through drawing and painting. Not only did it feed my soul. It became the medicine I needed to heal within. It gave me a purpose when I experienced its divine power. At that moment, my passion was reborn like the phoenix rising from the ashes.

I attended a private event at Area 33 in Culver City and met a live painter by the name of Micheal Pukac. I had never seen anyone live painting before. He was painting, dancing, drinking wine and socializing all at once. It seemed bizarre and magical at the same time. I thought to myself, this is something I can see myself doing some day. Except for the fact that I am completely scared of being in a public setting.

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Buy Ambien Australia Around the same time, a couple of friends came over to my studio to hang out. They were admiring my paintings and asked if I would ever consider live painting. I said “Nah! Not me. I’m way too shy for that.” After all, I have always been an introvert. Over the next couple months they kept mentioning this live painting thing like a broken record which apparently stuck so I decided to give it a try. My first live painting experience began at Area 33, I was so nervous up until that moment when I was out there painting in front of all these people. What was once a massive fear, became one of the most abundant blessings in my life. As the brush strokes began to flow on the canvas to the DJ’s music, something mysteriously happened. I got so deeply lost in my work that I experienced a divine intervention. I was no longer moving my arm or painting on the canvas . I was being guided by a power within. I became a vessel to my higher power, It was the first time I connected with my higher self. As my painting came to life, people watched, danced and they came to connect with me. They wanted to know who I was and what I was creating before their eyes. I was painting on a canvas with some digital elements printed on it. I overheard  some people speaking of how they have never seen anything like this before. I resonated deeply with this message throughout the night and had a realization about bringing this new style of art to the community. I had discovered a new way and a new place to express myself and I was welcomed with open arms. This was how it all began for me as a live painter. Ten years later I have painted at events, galleries and Music & Art Festivals around the world. It has been such a blessing and a gift to be able to travel and bring my art to so many places. But what has made live painting so rewarding to me is the connections I have shared with people from all walks of life. When they share their beautiful stories about the discovery of the divine energy within themselves and how my art embodies these experiences, it truly touches my heart.

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